Monday 10 November 2014

The Best Co-operator


 RK Irabot speaking at a function

The concept of co-operative is working together or helping each other for a common goal. This is the idea that got struck in the heart of Rajkumar Irabot Singh. He relentlessly fought for it and recognising his tireless efforts and contributions towards the movement, the state Co-operative Department with Manipur State Co-operative Union (MSCU) recently bestowed on him the prestigious ‘Best Co-operator Award’.

Born on December 13, 1912 at Ningthoukhong, eighty-three long years have since rolled on. The period has witnessed many ups and downs in his life. In 1938 he joined Nikhil Manipuri Hindu Mahasabha and thereafter joined the Congress party. The founder president of the Moirang Large Size Co-operative Society Ltd., Shri Irabot is related to other social works also like organization of schools/colleges etc. In 1963, he became a Member of Legislative Assembly.

In 1985 he became the vice-chairman of Planning and Development Authority (PDA). The year 1992 saw him as a council member of the prestigious National Co-operative Union of India (NCUI), New Delhi. In 1993 he was appointed the chairman of the Institute of Co-operative Management (ICM), Imphal. The ICM is one of the eighteen such institutions in the country under the tutelage of National Council for Co-operative Training (NCCT), New Delhi controlled by the NCUI of the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operation, Government of India.

He donated a piece of his own land for construction of a primary agricultural credit co-operative society (PACS). The Associated Progressive Gram Panchayat Level Multipurpose Co-operative Society Ltd., Ningthoukhong, is now thriving well on the said patta land. He has been closely connected with the PACS for the last several years in various capacities.

Bishnupur District Supply & Marketing Co-operative, Manipur State Co-operative Union, Manipur Apex Co-operative Marketing Society Ltd etc., are some prominent organizations with which this grand old man of co-operative movement is associated with. Besides them he became the chairman of C.I. College, Bishnupur and Mangolnganbi College, Ningthoukhong in 1971 and 1980 respectively.

In spite of his being an active social worker and   co-operator he has his share of critics also who do not miss a chance to pass scathing remarks on him. They used to label him sobriquets ranging from ‘co-operative baron’ to ‘drum major of a comic opera’ etc. But the simplicity and integrity of this man who literally begged to survive during a sojourn at Silchar in Assam is such that he swallowed the remarks without a pinch of salt. Clad in snow-white dhoti and kurta, this old man of the co-operative sea is not losing his sense of wits.

Konjengbam Kameshore
(Courtesy: North East Sun, New Delhi, February 15-29, 1996)